Wednesday, 23 March 2011

CCA and Dissertation

My lifes' work, my legacy - ensuring I will be remembered forever
With my extension, the dissertation finally went in this morning. Joy turned to anguish though, as my CCA in the afternoon presented me with a patient of the variety I can only describe as "my worst nightmare." We shall see. I am not going to speculate on this one.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Hand and Wrist

Annotated Diagrams; Technique and Clinical anatomy revision cards  - Wrist

Annotated differentials textbook - Hand & finger

Friday, 11 March 2011

ASM Elective

I have arranged to attend this elective as an extra and I am so grateful for this. It is absolutely brilliant! The group isn't too big and the techniques are taught with very specific instructions. Perfect for me. The theory at the beginning of the class is extremely useful when considering any thrusts. I have also noticed that really concentrating on minimal lever techniques is helping my palpation enormously. I'm so glad I didn't miss this! Sadly, we can't get our hands on DHs amazing slides - they are not going on bone!  I am struggling to write it all down quickly enough.

Friday, 4 March 2011

Chapman clinic - Extra hours

This term I am doing 12 weeks of extra hours in Chapman clinic, as I want to get more hands on experience and I had some hours to make up. This is a very happy accident indeed (I could have ended up anywhere doing the hours). The tutorials are every week and they are very informative. The patients are usually known to the tutors and there is more time spent treating and less time spent presenting. There are also plenty of opportunities to HVT under the expert eye of a patient tutor! I have also found that this extra time allows me to ask for more patient feedback which is proving really useful.
Tutorial notes - HIV (Chapman clinic)