Clinic reports:
Monday - C High
Thursday - C Med
Again, positive feedback about patient care.
Need to work on differentials, improving knowledge base, direction of treatment & longer term management.
I think I am already tackling these problems the best I can, although I really do need to improve my management plans and somehow teach myself more about stretches and rehab exercises.
CCA - D low
Of course I am grateful to pass, but in addition to my D in the mock, this has destroyed my confidence! I am dreading next time. Usually, I think feedback is fair, but there are a few things I disagree with this time round. I can appreciate that maybe as a reaction to my feedback last time, I was over enthusiastic about referring this patient early on in the encounter. I was obsessed with safety issues and not leaving anything to chance!
However, the external examiner seemed to query my assessment that my patient was an unreliable witness and I firmly stand by this belief. She also mentioned in the notes that I "struggled a bit with the patients' accent" - what an understatement, we could barely understand each other!! Given that my marks have suffered, as I did, "not want to take responsibility for the patient" and the examiner was concerned whether I would have "continued with the process without so much guidance and prompting," I am somewhat uncomfortable that I do still stand by what I did and there is no way I would consider taking this patient on in real life!
It appears in the notes that I was trying to refer because of the fact she had Parkinsons' disease, whereas I was quite clear that it was because of her confusion, night sweats, unexplained weight loss and the lack of mechanical aggravating and relieving factors. The notes state that there is no need to refer as she sees a neurologist every three months - I feel this goes against everything we have been taught about "never to assume." I couldn't have justified not suggesting a referral, on the basis that I assumed the neurologist would know about the above symptoms and would have investigated them independently of treating her Parkinsons.'
I am amused that I am praised for being "honest" about my lack of knowledge about Parkinsons' when all I did was ask to look up the drug (Madopor), which we had been encouraged to do if medications were unfamiliar! I admit though, that my knowledge is limited.
The RP went ok, and it appears that I just really didn't shine in my second NP which was straightforward.
Anyway, better luck next time is what I need and a good helping of hard work in the meantime. I just hope I do not get another situation where I have to decide whether or not to refer after my last two experiences!
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